I don't often share poems that I write, but in honor of March being National Social Work Month I want to share a poem I wrote a few years ago about an incredible social worker who came into my life when I was thirteen years old. We reconnected in 2021 after 21 years. I am forever thankful to have her in my life.
I remember it like it was yesterday,
The day you took me away.
You drove me to a stranger’s house,
You told me that tonight this is where I had to stay.
You promised you would be back in the morning to get me,
You had to drive me to school.
I didn’t believe you would come back for me,
I thought you were being very cruel.
“I will be back to get you in 10 hours”
You told me as I began to cry.
How was I supposed to believe you
When everything my mother told me was always a lie?
The next day you came back for me
Just as you promised you would.
Not knowing where I would sleep that night,
You dropped me off at school and pleaded with me to be good.
You never knew the extent
Of the abuse I had to survive
I was keeping so many secrets
And it was eating me alive.
Cutting myself became an addiction
An addiction that only provided me with temporary relief
But it was so uncommon back then
And it left many people in disbelief.
You began searching my body
For all the cuts that were covering my skin
One by one you counted each cut
As your patience was wearing thin.
I made your job far more difficult
For you than it had to be.
“Be good and don’t hurt yourself”
Was always your plea.
You were the first person in my life
Who showed they really cared.
I wish I could have been better for you,
But I was so broken and oh so scared.
I’ve thought about you over the years
And wished you could see the person I’ve become
Because you are the one who really knows
Just how far I’ve come.
Thank you for being the person you didn't have to be!

I love this poem so much! It’s a special gift I will treasure forever❤️. You taught me how to be a social worker! I love my profession, my calling, my gift from God. He had a reason for you to be placed in my care and I’m forever thankful.